Tuesday, March 31, 2009


So, it is 8:05 AM on Tuesday. Asher is already 90% done with school. He decided to get up and get going early! Good boy! Wish all the kids had done that! It is like a day off... when they did school! Now mom just needs to get on the ball and get stuff from yesterday graded!! I find it amusing the way God created this Earth that he gave us to live on! I heard.. that it snowed in Abq over the weekend... at some point? maybe sunday... Here... it is in the high 70's to low 80's. Hubby was supposed to take the boys to the pool yesterday, but they never made it! It is funny to me how the temperatures can be so different just 1 state away! I am happy that I am on THIS side of that weather!! Snow can be nice sometimes..... but I am glad it isn't something that I deal with anymore!!! The one thing I am learning about Austin is that it is the allergy capitol of Texas, as well as the actual capitol! This is the first year of my life that I have struggled with alergies like this! To all those who struggle year after year... my sympothies are with you! All, have a terrific Tuesday! God bless! We love ya!


Sarah said...

If you call less than 3 inches, snow, then yes we got snow!

Praying that this week is fabulous for you all!

Sydni said...

I'm sorry you're struggling with allergies. It's all that green you get to have--you pay for it in allergy medicine. Ha! ~Sydni

Tania said...

I will take the allergies and the green!!! :) It is worth it for the beauty if you ask me!!!

becoloradogirl said...

70's and 80's - I'm jealous! we had a BLIZZARD here last week!

Unknown said...

What do you mean "anymore"... I don't think you have much to complain about with the snow in ABQ... especially seeing as how the only REAL snow you saw there was just before you guys moved, and that was when we were here looking for a house! We were lucky with that though.

I'm not that jealous though, because we're getting closer to having a green lawn again this year and it's too humid there, especially when it's hot! To me, 68is hot now! Man we transitioned fast!

Just had to say that. :-)