Sunday, May 2, 2010

Changing things up.

I am deciding to change things up a bit here on my blog. I have been trying to blog about life... but my life just isn't that interesting.. hehehe so... I am going to change things up a little and play and try to get a new look and a new site and everything... Instead of trying to have it just about family life, I am going to make it a little more personal. Talk about my personal life journey that God has me on. I am not leaving blog spot.. I will just have a new title and I will let everyone know. I will still use this one too for updates on the kids. Like Asher's birthday on Tuesday :)! If anyone can suggest things I can do and ways to personalize it better.... that would be great!


Sydni said...

Looking forward to the new blog. As far as personalizing--pictures are great. It's fun to see how the kids have grown. Add more pictures and make them bigger! Some of us reading your blog don't have such young eyes anymore.....

Unknown said...

Hi! thank you for your comment! i love making new blog friends. I never thought about doing a 'movie time' to help her practice. that is a wonderful idea. thanks!

Sarah said...

I'm looking forward to the new blog, as well! I think to make it more personal-just write what is on your heart that day! Provided it still glorifies God, of course ;) If you're feeling funny, share something funny, if you're feeling yucky and hurting, share that! Don't worry about it being perfect or sounding right. After all, it's your loved ones who are reading it! Pictures are always wonderful too. Love you Tania~