Friday, May 7, 2010

New house arrangement

I am excited to report, we have a new home for our playroom!!! Up until now it has been downstairs in what should be our formal living room. For those that know us, we are NOT formal people.. so it isn't about having a formal living room. I just need to have my house to where I don't feel like I am living in a messy hole all the time. :D  With all the kids toys and stuff upstairs, I have my whole downstairs to be "grown up space".  I feel like my house is more of a grown up house now! :) We are going to put a TV in the office with the computers so that the video games and all that can be upstairs too. And they can watch their shows up there. They are excited. I need to take a picture of the "bed room" now cause there are 2 double size beds in there.. and then Gavin's little bed. lots of bed... NO floor space. hahahaha Gavin is THRILLED to be included in the bed room. Fun fun! And... ITS FRIDAY! I get my honey for 2 days now! :D  yay!  Happy mothers day weeked!

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