Sunday, May 23, 2010

Date night

I got a date night last night with my "little" boys. Saturday night is my date night with hubby, but he was busy last night so the boys and I went!
I mean really, can you think of any better or more handsome dates????  We went to Olive Garden which is a favorite of all of us. I think we spent the same amount we would have for hubby and I too, because he and I like to have a drink and usually go to a more pricey place! :D
My goofballs. I just love these kids!! I truly believe that date night is NECESSARY!! Especially between mom and dad. It is SO IMPORTANT to have that one night a week put aside for just time for just you! If money is an issue, you can go to chili's and get chips and queso and a soda for less that 20$. Or, you can go to the park and just take a picnic basket. You can even have "date night" in your own home. Make sure the kids are in their beds at  a reasonable time and make a special din din just for you and daddy and be just married people again like you were before the little goofballs came along!!!
I also think it is important to "date" your kids! They all need to feel important and loved and have one on one time with mom/dad. I mean not just take them to mc donalds where you are going to meet friends and they are going to be running around playing. I mean, take them somewhere that doesn't have a play place and just sit and talk to them!!  Maybe both of you order off the childrens menu or let the kid order off the adult so he/she feels on the same level as mom/dad. Go someplace fun and talk to them and let them know that you love them!!  Not just ya mom loves me she tells me and she takes care of me.. but my mom LOVES me! She takes me out and we have special dinner together and I can talk to her without my siblings talking over me or taking her attention away!!  Super important and fun time!!!
Ok, stepping off my soap box now. I am going to post a couple more pics of "date nights" with my guys!

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