Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Weather and what-not

Well, today is quite a day here in Round Rock!! It is SNOWING!! And the snow is STICKING!!! Both nearly unheard of occurrences here. There are HUGE flakes falling right now. I am NOT totally thrilled. My kids are happy.. and of course, that makes me happy... but weather effects me physically. here is the thing... Cold makes me hurt.. but if I am inside where it is warm, I am not too bad.. but the CHANGE of weather is what kills me... and here, it can't get much worse!!! On Sunday it was 75 degrees and now, it is snowing and 34 degrees. There was a 30 degree drop between sunday and yesterday. That is what kills me! So, I guess if I lived somewhere that it was snowing or rainy alot... and I could be inside most of the time.. that would be ok. I just need to not have these big flip flops!!!

On to the "what not" part of the post. I am trying to figure out the best way to deal with something in my home and I would LOVE all the advice I can get. My son, has been doing A LOT of lying. And I mean.. when he knows he is caught.. he stays insisting on his lie. I have punished.. I have talked to him about what God thinks of lying... Last night he finally confessed *in a very quick not really repentant way* to his lie, when I told him that by staying in his lie.. he has become a liar.. so I can't believe anything he says. I don't know how to make him see that this can't go on and that he has to be honest... I have been getting so frustrated recently with my younger boys. I feel like a failure of a mom most of the time.. and they are REALLY GOOD BOYS. There are just some things.. and some times.. that I can't get them to decide to do the right thing. I pray for them.. and I talk to them... they all claim to be living for God so I try to talk to them from a Biblical standpoint, but I don't know if they don't get it.. or don't care, or just aren't wired to understand yet. I am open to any and all suggestions on how to deal that I haven't done. I also worry that I am expecting my kids to be PERFECT, which I know they can't be...
That is the update from here! I hope all is well for all my friends out there!!!


SWTrigal said...

Hmmm T, not a good start in life (the lying thing)! I wonder if he would hear it from someone else? Pastor, counselor, etc? I guess a disadvantage of home schooling may be the natural order of being "punished" by friends at school for that behavior. Becca told me about "Love and Logic "parenting..I know they have a website-maybe ideas? That is a tough one..
He must be getting some payoff for that behavior..maybe talk with him and trying to figure out "why" he is lying may be important..
Just random thoughts by Aunt D..love you!

Sydni said...

Snow?! Isn't Texas weather wonderful? Ha! People here in ABQ crack me up when they talk about how quickly the weather changes here--they've never lived in Texas!

As far as your little sinner goes--I'd say just keep doin' what your doin'! Consistency is the key. Man it's hard to be consistent! You might try helping him "feel the pain" of his lying. Take away a freedom that he has every time you catch him in a lie. Freedoms can be big things like playing with friends, or they can be as little as choosing the piece of gum they want. Keep taking them away until he is in pain! Don't be too down on yourself. All moms can write your same post at some point in each of their children's lives! I hope the weather evens out for you some before spring hits with all of its wildness! Love you.

SWTrigal said...

OH and I really agree with Sydni-we all feel like loser parents at some point or many points in parenthood!! Is the hardest job in the world..You living in guilt is not a gift to your boys so be good to yourself!

Sarah said...

Yay for snow! I'm glad you guys got to enjoy some!

Sorry, I'm not more helpful on the lying suggestions. We haven't reached anything like that yet :)I'll be praying for strength and wisdom for you though! Love you Tania!