Sunday, July 19, 2009

home update

Well, I did take pictures the other day... but on my phone... and I don't have the piece I need to download them to the PC.. Ethan has it.... Anyway.. I posted them on FB and I will get them on here soon.. So, besides the cooking... this week has held lots of information. First and biggest.. Erin is engaged! Josh is a great guy! He spent the day here at my house with all of us and his kids. They are really well behaved, sweet kids! A good day was had by all, with the exception, at times of Erin because Gavin was deciding to be a snot.. :)
The rest of what is going on with me is, trying to learn to deal with my house being in not as great shape as I would like it. I am still dealing daily with pain and exhaustion in ammounts that I am not used to. I have very little in reserve and what I do have... I don't have to give to cleaning most days. Makes me insane.. and makes me feel lazy... but it is what it is. I am trying to turn it over to God and to learn to deal. I guess the old addage love me for me.. not my house.. is going to have to come into play! Anyway, that is about it! Happy Sunday!


Sarah said...

I'm so sorry to hear that you've not been feeling good, Tania. I know how it can be to want to get things done but you can't. I will be praying you find some relief for your pain and that you will have peace with the state of your house amidst it all! Love you girl!

Sydni said...

Praying here too. I take it the blood work they did on you earlier didn't show anything new?