Thursday, November 19, 2009


Ok.. here is my gripe of the day.. Why is it that bone in chicken is so STINKING hard for me to get right?!!?!? I mean.. I can work miracles with boneless meat!! But put a chicken leg in front of me and lunch is going to take FOREVER! I have had chicken in the oven now for.... 2 hours.. and it is still bleeding... now is it just me or does that seem a little LONG to anyone else!?!??! Yes, the oven is ON... it is on at the temp that the recipe called for! I just don't understand. If it was boneless peices, it would be finished by now and we would have happily full tummies... instead of smelling the deliciousness that we can't taste yet for fear of illness and or death!!! :S Ok... I feel better now.. thank you for letting me get that off my chest! :)


Sarah said...

What in the world?!?! What temp does it call to cook it at? 175 ;) That doesn't seem right AT ALL! One thing I've heard suggested is you can buy an internal oven thermometer for like $5 at Wal-Mart. Maybe try that to see if the oven temp is really correct? Sorry lunch is late! I would have called for pizza by now! Better luck next time!

Sydni said...

I'm impressed that you are even USING the oven for lunch! Sh! Don't tell my kids! I agree with Sarah--get an oven thermometer.

Tania said...

Well, Sydni... the idea is.. I cook lunch for main meal because hubby is gone for dinner.. so in THEORY I am supposed to have our main meal ready by noon so hubby can eat with us. Didn't work yesterday though. I will look for a thermometer thanks for the idea! And the oven was set at 350 by the way...