Monday, October 12, 2009

Here in Texas

Here in Texas, there is not much going on. We aren't doing any real school yet.. the boys are just doing math still. Hubby is out of town for 2 weeks. This is the second Oct in a row that hubby has gone out of town for a couple weeks. I don't think this is something I want to continue. :)
I am taking some new meds for my fibro that I think are helping some.. I have been in pain this week, but the weather has been starting to change drastically, so that might be the reason. Other than this week, I seem to be doing much much better. Ethan is doing well in Algebra. He enjoys going to class. He has really been wanting more social time than he ever has before... thats been strange hahaha Ezekiel is growing up alot. I don't know that he has gotten physically bigger, but he looks older and is starting to act a little more mature.. Asher is getting older too. He is still the baby and as such, he still has some attitude issues that we need to deal with. I am getting ready to start babysitting for a new baby. He will be born the end of this month. That is going to be fun! So when we get back from Abq. from the wedding, I will have a new little baby in the house again. :) At least it is a boy.. we know how to do boy. hahaha Hope all is well with everyone!! Sorry for the delay, i just don't feel like I have alot to tell... :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what do you mean, you don't have a lot to tell! you are always full of fun and surprises! :) hope you're well, missed you yesterday sister!

love ya!