I don't know how this has turned into something I don't do very often... I love connecting on here!! I am really going to try to do better!!! to start, I am going to do a GOOD post!! Pics and everything!!! I don't have a recent pic of me up.. cause I don't like pics of me.. so.. here is one. :)
Lets see... guess I put the pic of me up first.. so I will start talking about me.
I just started a new umm... program... to try to help my fibro.. it consists of LOTS of vitamins.. some hormones.. and a *gulp* diet... I think I can handle the 34+ pills every day. But MAN is it HARD to give up the foods that you love. I know it is good for me.. and if it helps, I will be THRILLED. And hey, worst case, maybe I will loose some weight!! *please Lord* So, I have done this for 5 days now. My desire for sweets and bread and milk and cheese are maybe a little less... maybe not. I don't know if my attitude is making it worse, or.. ya.. prolly.
The other new thing with me, is I have started babysitting a new little boy. He is 7 weeks old.. and he is a doll!! We are really enjoying having a bitty one around again.. especially since he goes home at night and I get to sleep all night.. (sorry Sarah... *wink*) So that is me.

Ethan... My biggest "baby" We found out while in Abq that he is about 5' 9-10" ish.. and *thanks to the shiping scale at DCI* know that he is 175 pounds. I look at this handsome, sweet, helpful, great kid.. and I go.. you are 14????????? My first thought is ALREADY??? Quickly followed by... ONLY?????? He acts sooo old but is so young still. He will start driving next year. Yes, I said DRIVING wow. This is wierd. He is doing really well in 10th grade. He is enjoying his one day school that he goes to for math and guitar. I don't know if he likes it for the learning as much as he does for the social time. He is getting really good at the guitar. Jeremy taught him the basics.. he has worked on that on his own since we got here and taught himself some. I am really glad to be able to have him back in lessons so that he can really grow and learn and enjoy his music... and getting a little bit more timing training won't hurt.. :)
We have also had our first experiance with a "special girl" this year. She is a doll. She and Ethan are good friends. I know there has been a disagreement between them that has lowered her... "special" status.. *we don't do the boyfriend girlfriend thing.. but if we did, you could say they broke up.. :)* It is strange to be in this place.. because A. we didn't think it would be coming so soon.. and B. it is a deffinately learn as you go thing... I don't ever want him to think that we don't value his feelings as a person. Make him think that he couldn't have "real" feelings for a person. BUT we are working hard at training him on GUARD YOUR HEART!!! God has a special girl just for you and you want to be able to give her all of you.. and what you give to other girls too soon, can't go to her!! On the positive side.. they are so young.. there was no, hand holding.. or anything else.. so, innocent as it can be but still a milestone.

On the positive side, this has been a HUGE growth year for him!! He will complain that as far as PHYSICAL growth.. that is going slowly.. but man.. School this year has been as easy with him as it always has been with the other 2. He has actually gotten 100% on a language test!! That is almost UNHEARD of with him. He has a hard time with learning *like his mom* and to see him growing like this is amazing!!! God is so good!!! He still doesn't ENJOY school, but it also doesn't take all day and he is getting things more right, less wrong. He is also my little chef! He LOVES to cook! I realized one day that he is 11.. I need to let him in the kitchen if he wants to go there, so.. I have been and man has it paid off! I have had some great meals cause of that!! :) He still says he wants to go into the military when he turns 18. I support him in that.. and pray for him in that!!

Asher. What to say about Asher. He is the one of any of them that I think we pray for and worry about more than the others. He is the only one of our 3 that has not made a personal confession of Christ. Which on the one hand is good. I don't want him saying what he thinks we want to hear but he doesn't believe. His faith has to be a true, lasting faith given by Christ alone and I don't want him saying that is there if it isn't. On the other hand, a mothers heart yearns to know her child will live in eternity with her.. and more importantly, with her God!! But, he is only 9. I don't know that I need to worry TOO much yet. This little one, has always been our hand full. He is a perfectionist TO THE EXTREME! Now I don't mean that he always has a clean room, or that he doesn't make mistakes. But if you tell him to get his room clean. It will be CLEAN. If he is supposed to get school done, it is done and it is done well. Ask Miss Joyce.. since he was a little bitty guy, he has HATED anything imperfect. Down to scribbling when coloring as a 2-3 year old... He still has a bit of a problem with anger that we are dealing with but not as often as it was. I pray that it continues to get better, but I have my concerns that with him getting closer to puberty, and without God to help.. we may be in for a bumpy ride in the next few years.
Asher will drop anything to do anything for you. Although he won't just notice it needs done.. :) He will literally give you the coat off his back if that will help you. But in a lot of ways, he is the baby.. the youngest.. man, he can act spoiled sometimes.. *my fault, I know* I try hard to make him be as responsible as we expected of his brothers at his age.. which is hard when they had different expectations at that age than each other too.. *did that make sense???* well, anyway..
I am loving the ages all my kids are at!! We are having a GREAT time! We have such a blessed life. I love the stages my k

Hubby. Sorry the pic isn't great... it is just the most recent I have of him. Guess I need to take some better ones.. :) I am married to the BEST man God ever created. He is patient when I am not... He is caring and loving when I need it. He is strong and hard when I need it.. *although that can be no fun for both of us* He is a superb provider, a wonderful partner and a perfect friend.
He had an interview at work the other day for a promotion. We should find out end of Dec. to beg. of Jan if he got it. This could be a good/bad thing. Good.. obvious reasons.. promotion... that means higher place.. higher pay *in theory* and different position so learning more things... all good.. BUT they will prolly change his hours... well, not prolly, for sure. He will have to go to mon-fri. instead of having 4 work days a week. We aren't sure about the actual hours yet.. not too worried about it till we know if he got the job. But we like where his hours are at now.. so... anyway. We are praying for our will's to be in line with God's will so whatever he has determined will happen, will be easy for us to take! :)
Ok I am done for now... sorry when I don't write in so long... I have alot to say!! Next post *hopefully soon* I will post lots o pics... PROMISE!!
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