Thursday, April 30, 2009

Time in Dallas

Hello from Dallas! We are here so Kaylee can meet her birth family.. There have been some bumps in the road, but over all, things have gone pretty well. Praise God!! Today she gets to meet her grandmother. She is really looking forward to that! While she is doing that, Shaphan and I get to hang out! YAY! and I didn't bring my boys. So, it is me and Shaphan and NO KIDS today and tomorrow! :) *don't know where Chris will be.. hehehe* The weather has been a mess all week for us in Austin and down here. That has been exciting.. Always fun to drive on a Dallas highway while a monsoon is going on! My wonderful, perfect, loving terrific husband is taking care of the boys. He was given permission to work from home while I am gone this week. So, he is home taking care of the kids. I have the truck, so the fam is stuck at home till I get back.. ha ha. ;) Hope this note finds all well!!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Enjoy your week off! Well deserved!