We have had a FUN day today!! Started out going to NASA day at the LBJ library! NASA came up from Huston with a bunch of fun experiments, and a couple rocket models, and space suits.. Lots of cool stuff! The kids got to build and launch paper rockets; they got to see and assist in a demonstration on gravity... *no.. Jedi didn't push anyone off a building!* They got to see what happens when you go into someplace with no air.. *using a "marshmallow man* They got to help discover a new planet.. I got alot of cool pictures! I posted on picasa, if you want to see all of them. I will just put a couple up here.
We also started gymnastics today with our homeschool group. The kids LOVED it!! Even Gavin got to participate. I didn't know they would have a little gym.. so that was a fun treat! I had to stay with Gavin so I enlisted my friend Ruthie to take pics of my big kids for me. So the good ones of them are taken by her! THANK YOU RUTHIE!!!! Anyway, hope you enjoy the pictures, again.. I think the pics might come before the words.. don't have this all figured out yet... love to all!!! Link to picasa------ http://picasaweb.google.com/TaniaHammond
Tania! What fun! Those pics look like a good time was had by all! Love the space suit!
Also, just a note: Blogger has a widget in the settings that allows you to add slideshows of albums that you build on picasa! Just FYI!Ask the hubby or call me one of these fine days and I'll walk you through it! Much love to you all!
Thanks Sarah! I am going to have hubby look because we have that gadget, it is what is running the fam pics on the sidebar... but for some reason, it isn't finding the pics from today in picasa... Curious.. :S
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