Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Ok, so here is the scoop for the last Wed. of the year! First of all, we LOVE New Years Eve!! That is one of our fave days of the whole year! We spend the evening with junk food, movies, games, and all over family fun!! This year we have invited 3 families from our church to join us. I think that will make it even more fun!!! if they all come, there will be a total of.. 11 kids and 8 adults! :D plus, one baby in the belly, but I don't think that peanut counts yet.. :D I will take and post LOTS of pics! :) The other decission that has been made, is after 15 days of trying this diet and vitamin thing... hubby and I decided to stick with the vitamins, but not be so strict on the diet. It was just too hard for me, and I haven't noticed ANY good from it at all... I am in MORE pain and feeling more and more sick every day. I can't function that way. I have 5 kids to take care of every day.. I have to be able to do it in a good attitude and with less pain.. I am still doing the vitamins and will still do very little sugar... but for now the dairy and bread and all is back. I will slowly cut those back out as time goes on and see if things improve.. just take it a little more slowly. We are in prayer that this week or next we will get an answer on hubby's promotion. We would LOVE for him to get the job because it puts him in a better place to get the job he ACTUALLY wants. hahaha It will be hard to get used to the new schedule though. Anyway, I guess that is it for today. I will post more on Friday when we have a new year and new pictures! :)
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Big day out

Due to my health... A big day out for us.. is going to the mall for a little while. :S my poor kids.. but they did get new hats, that made them happy! :) and we got our annual Hickory Farms.. so we are pleased!! Just wish I could eat them!!! Now I am feeling a little over done.. but the kids had a fun day so, that is what matters!!! Enjoy the pictures!!!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

See... told you I would be better 2 times in one week can you believe it?!?! I guess I just think my life is boring right now.. hahhaha Well, we have all been sick.. blah... I think my program is going well. I have stuck to it.. I am pretty proud of myself. Not that I have WANTED to stick with it all the time.. but I have. Still don't know about hubbies promotion.. hope he gets it.. sorta. :) Well I promised you pictures... to be honest.. they will be first.. before the words.. cause I can't figure out how to get them to go anywhere else without me moving them.. so by the time you read this, you will have seen them!! :) more later.
Friday, December 18, 2009
My once a month post...

I don't know how this has turned into something I don't do very often... I love connecting on here!! I am really going to try to do better!!! to start, I am going to do a GOOD post!! Pics and everything!!! I don't have a recent pic of me up.. cause I don't like pics of me.. so.. here is one. :)
Lets see... guess I put the pic of me up first.. so I will start talking about me.
I just started a new umm... program... to try to help my fibro.. it consists of LOTS of vitamins.. some hormones.. and a *gulp* diet... I think I can handle the 34+ pills every day. But MAN is it HARD to give up the foods that you love. I know it is good for me.. and if it helps, I will be THRILLED. And hey, worst case, maybe I will loose some weight!! *please Lord* So, I have done this for 5 days now. My desire for sweets and bread and milk and cheese are maybe a little less... maybe not. I don't know if my attitude is making it worse, or.. ya.. prolly.
The other new thing with me, is I have started babysitting a new little boy. He is 7 weeks old.. and he is a doll!! We are really enjoying having a bitty one around again.. especially since he goes home at night and I get to sleep all night.. (sorry Sarah... *wink*) So that is me.

Ethan... My biggest "baby" We found out while in Abq that he is about 5' 9-10" ish.. and *thanks to the shiping scale at DCI* know that he is 175 pounds. I look at this handsome, sweet, helpful, great kid.. and I go.. you are 14????????? My first thought is ALREADY??? Quickly followed by... ONLY?????? He acts sooo old but is so young still. He will start driving next year. Yes, I said DRIVING wow. This is wierd. He is doing really well in 10th grade. He is enjoying his one day school that he goes to for math and guitar. I don't know if he likes it for the learning as much as he does for the social time. He is getting really good at the guitar. Jeremy taught him the basics.. he has worked on that on his own since we got here and taught himself some. I am really glad to be able to have him back in lessons so that he can really grow and learn and enjoy his music... and getting a little bit more timing training won't hurt.. :)
We have also had our first experiance with a "special girl" this year. She is a doll. She and Ethan are good friends. I know there has been a disagreement between them that has lowered her... "special" status.. *we don't do the boyfriend girlfriend thing.. but if we did, you could say they broke up.. :)* It is strange to be in this place.. because A. we didn't think it would be coming so soon.. and B. it is a deffinately learn as you go thing... I don't ever want him to think that we don't value his feelings as a person. Make him think that he couldn't have "real" feelings for a person. BUT we are working hard at training him on GUARD YOUR HEART!!! God has a special girl just for you and you want to be able to give her all of you.. and what you give to other girls too soon, can't go to her!! On the positive side.. they are so young.. there was no, hand holding.. or anything else.. so, innocent as it can be but still a milestone.

On the positive side, this has been a HUGE growth year for him!! He will complain that as far as PHYSICAL growth.. that is going slowly.. but man.. School this year has been as easy with him as it always has been with the other 2. He has actually gotten 100% on a language test!! That is almost UNHEARD of with him. He has a hard time with learning *like his mom* and to see him growing like this is amazing!!! God is so good!!! He still doesn't ENJOY school, but it also doesn't take all day and he is getting things more right, less wrong. He is also my little chef! He LOVES to cook! I realized one day that he is 11.. I need to let him in the kitchen if he wants to go there, so.. I have been and man has it paid off! I have had some great meals cause of that!! :) He still says he wants to go into the military when he turns 18. I support him in that.. and pray for him in that!!

Asher. What to say about Asher. He is the one of any of them that I think we pray for and worry about more than the others. He is the only one of our 3 that has not made a personal confession of Christ. Which on the one hand is good. I don't want him saying what he thinks we want to hear but he doesn't believe. His faith has to be a true, lasting faith given by Christ alone and I don't want him saying that is there if it isn't. On the other hand, a mothers heart yearns to know her child will live in eternity with her.. and more importantly, with her God!! But, he is only 9. I don't know that I need to worry TOO much yet. This little one, has always been our hand full. He is a perfectionist TO THE EXTREME! Now I don't mean that he always has a clean room, or that he doesn't make mistakes. But if you tell him to get his room clean. It will be CLEAN. If he is supposed to get school done, it is done and it is done well. Ask Miss Joyce.. since he was a little bitty guy, he has HATED anything imperfect. Down to scribbling when coloring as a 2-3 year old... He still has a bit of a problem with anger that we are dealing with but not as often as it was. I pray that it continues to get better, but I have my concerns that with him getting closer to puberty, and without God to help.. we may be in for a bumpy ride in the next few years.
Asher will drop anything to do anything for you. Although he won't just notice it needs done.. :) He will literally give you the coat off his back if that will help you. But in a lot of ways, he is the baby.. the youngest.. man, he can act spoiled sometimes.. *my fault, I know* I try hard to make him be as responsible as we expected of his brothers at his age.. which is hard when they had different expectations at that age than each other too.. *did that make sense???* well, anyway..
I am loving the ages all my kids are at!! We are having a GREAT time! We have such a blessed life. I love the stages my k

Hubby. Sorry the pic isn't great... it is just the most recent I have of him. Guess I need to take some better ones.. :) I am married to the BEST man God ever created. He is patient when I am not... He is caring and loving when I need it. He is strong and hard when I need it.. *although that can be no fun for both of us* He is a superb provider, a wonderful partner and a perfect friend.
He had an interview at work the other day for a promotion. We should find out end of Dec. to beg. of Jan if he got it. This could be a good/bad thing. Good.. obvious reasons.. promotion... that means higher place.. higher pay *in theory* and different position so learning more things... all good.. BUT they will prolly change his hours... well, not prolly, for sure. He will have to go to mon-fri. instead of having 4 work days a week. We aren't sure about the actual hours yet.. not too worried about it till we know if he got the job. But we like where his hours are at now.. so... anyway. We are praying for our will's to be in line with God's will so whatever he has determined will happen, will be easy for us to take! :)
Ok I am done for now... sorry when I don't write in so long... I have alot to say!! Next post *hopefully soon* I will post lots o pics... PROMISE!!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Amazing things
Well, here we are again at one of my *probably now infamous* all nighters. Again God decided that last night, for me, was not going to be a night of peaceful sleep. At this point I am really hoping for a GREAT nap... because we are supposed to drive all night tonight.. *now that it is 5:30 Wed. morning* to drive to Alb. We are so excited to be coming for the wedding of my sweet dear sister *who I have to share with my hubby.. GRIN* to Sam, who has been my brother in my heart for years. We are so amazed at Gods sovereignty and timing in all things. I knew YEARS ago that this day would be here. We just had to wait on God... *and that stubborn Sam....* hahahaha I can't believe that our sweet little Eden is getting married. It blows my mind. She is now our sweet just a bit bigger Eden of course.. but the fact that she is a woman and going to be a wife is just beyond my imaginings this early in the morning. I am so proud to call her my sister and I am equally proud to be able to call Sam *Fred* my brother.
The other thing that God has decided to do recently, is bless us with a minivan. We have some amazing friends here in RR, that go to our church, that like to camp.. as the story goes. So, they bought a pop up trailer. Well, they soon came to realize that all the added weight wasn't good on their van. Instead of giving up their beloved camping, they bought a suburban.
That was in like... oh... July or August I guess... maybe even June.... hmmmmm anyway, I BEGGED God and my husband for this van. It is a 2000 Toyota. I know 10 years old isn't a new vehicle by any means, but they are very good stewards of what God gives them.. so this van is in AMAZING shape for its age. Well, my husband had decided that at this time in our lives, we couldn't add another bill, so no... we couldn't buy their van. I prayed and breathed.. and submited. Then, the van was still there.... and still there.... and every once in a while, I would hit my hubby up with a "what if" ... you know.. "what if" I were able to make some money and pay a monthly bill for it.... "what if" you pay off this bill, then we have "extra" money right? well, of course, every suggestion was met by a no... and every time I saw this van that I love so much, I had to pray... and breathe... and quietly submit.
I haven't been going to church that much recently as my health has gone down hill quite a bit.. and sitting through a church service that sometimes can go as long as 2-2 1/2 hours... I just don'tgo.. cause I can't sit through that long. Well, I guess on one such Sunday several weeks ago, our friends told my husband that they wanted to GIFT us with this van. This van that I have loved and in my heart called my own and prayed to God that if it was meant for us, it wouldn't sell before we had the means to buy it!! My husband tried to argue, because it is such a tremendous gift *Toyota's don't loose value as fast as other cars* But our friend very quickly pulled the "God has told us this is what we are supposed to do" card.. and hubby couldn't argue with that.
Well, somewhere along the way it was decided that I wasn't going to be told. It was going to be a surprise for me. So very innocently, Kathy asked me a couple weeks ago, if we could get together for dinner before we left for Abq on this trip. I thought through all we had going on and said.. ya Tuesday we could come over. She said that would be great! Then, hubby got Wed. off and I threw out there.. hey, now we could go to Abq sooner, because you don't have to work!! And he said, no.. we made a commitment for dinner with our friends, and we aren't going to break that commitment. So, I said, ok. I can't wait to fellowship with this wonderful family anyway!!
So, we are sitting around talking and visiting *not realizing how late it was getting...* and Steve gets up and offers us more tea.. or water... and while he is innocently standing at the counter he says.. hey Tania, are these your keys on the counter over here? I said.. no I left my purse at home.. I don't have any keys here. I looked at my husband and said.. are they yours? He said no.. and Steve says.. no, I really think they are yours. I turned and looked and it was the key to their van. I was speachless. ok... sorry.. I should have made sure you were sitting.. I know.. ME ... SPEACHLESS!! that doesn't even happen on paper does it!! But really, at first it was... no... they are kidding.. then it was.. did hubby buy it and not tell me..??? and then it was... WHAT?! and then I was just shaking for the next like... 30 minutes.. and then.. I got in the van.. in the DRIVERS SEAT! and I couldn't stop bouncing around like a puppy looking at the back door!!!
WHAT A BLESSING!!! So, turns out.. we couldn't skip dinner and come to the Q earlier becuase, we were going to have a nice comfy VAN to drive instead of our cramped, uncomfortable truck!!! See... told ya!! Amazing things!!!! Isn't God great!?!?! Like there was a doubt... Then, he decides, that I am going to be up all night... well, as long as there is a nap in my not to distant future, I guess, I can cope!!! Ok.. that is my update!! Loves and hugs!!
The other thing that God has decided to do recently, is bless us with a minivan. We have some amazing friends here in RR, that go to our church, that like to camp.. as the story goes. So, they bought a pop up trailer. Well, they soon came to realize that all the added weight wasn't good on their van. Instead of giving up their beloved camping, they bought a suburban.
That was in like... oh... July or August I guess... maybe even June.... hmmmmm anyway, I BEGGED God and my husband for this van. It is a 2000 Toyota. I know 10 years old isn't a new vehicle by any means, but they are very good stewards of what God gives them.. so this van is in AMAZING shape for its age. Well, my husband had decided that at this time in our lives, we couldn't add another bill, so no... we couldn't buy their van. I prayed and breathed.. and submited. Then, the van was still there.... and still there.... and every once in a while, I would hit my hubby up with a "what if" ... you know.. "what if" I were able to make some money and pay a monthly bill for it.... "what if" you pay off this bill, then we have "extra" money right? well, of course, every suggestion was met by a no... and every time I saw this van that I love so much, I had to pray... and breathe... and quietly submit.
I haven't been going to church that much recently as my health has gone down hill quite a bit.. and sitting through a church service that sometimes can go as long as 2-2 1/2 hours... I just don'tgo.. cause I can't sit through that long. Well, I guess on one such Sunday several weeks ago, our friends told my husband that they wanted to GIFT us with this van. This van that I have loved and in my heart called my own and prayed to God that if it was meant for us, it wouldn't sell before we had the means to buy it!! My husband tried to argue, because it is such a tremendous gift *Toyota's don't loose value as fast as other cars* But our friend very quickly pulled the "God has told us this is what we are supposed to do" card.. and hubby couldn't argue with that.
Well, somewhere along the way it was decided that I wasn't going to be told. It was going to be a surprise for me. So very innocently, Kathy asked me a couple weeks ago, if we could get together for dinner before we left for Abq on this trip. I thought through all we had going on and said.. ya Tuesday we could come over. She said that would be great! Then, hubby got Wed. off and I threw out there.. hey, now we could go to Abq sooner, because you don't have to work!! And he said, no.. we made a commitment for dinner with our friends, and we aren't going to break that commitment. So, I said, ok. I can't wait to fellowship with this wonderful family anyway!!
So, we are sitting around talking and visiting *not realizing how late it was getting...* and Steve gets up and offers us more tea.. or water... and while he is innocently standing at the counter he says.. hey Tania, are these your keys on the counter over here? I said.. no I left my purse at home.. I don't have any keys here. I looked at my husband and said.. are they yours? He said no.. and Steve says.. no, I really think they are yours. I turned and looked and it was the key to their van. I was speachless. ok... sorry.. I should have made sure you were sitting.. I know.. ME ... SPEACHLESS!! that doesn't even happen on paper does it!! But really, at first it was... no... they are kidding.. then it was.. did hubby buy it and not tell me..??? and then it was... WHAT?! and then I was just shaking for the next like... 30 minutes.. and then.. I got in the van.. in the DRIVERS SEAT! and I couldn't stop bouncing around like a puppy looking at the back door!!!
WHAT A BLESSING!!! So, turns out.. we couldn't skip dinner and come to the Q earlier becuase, we were going to have a nice comfy VAN to drive instead of our cramped, uncomfortable truck!!! See... told ya!! Amazing things!!!! Isn't God great!?!?! Like there was a doubt... Then, he decides, that I am going to be up all night... well, as long as there is a nap in my not to distant future, I guess, I can cope!!! Ok.. that is my update!! Loves and hugs!!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Ok.. here is my gripe of the day.. Why is it that bone in chicken is so STINKING hard for me to get right?!!?!? I mean.. I can work miracles with boneless meat!! But put a chicken leg in front of me and lunch is going to take FOREVER! I have had chicken in the oven now for.... 2 hours.. and it is still bleeding... now is it just me or does that seem a little LONG to anyone else!?!??! Yes, the oven is ON... it is on at the temp that the recipe called for! I just don't understand. If it was boneless peices, it would be finished by now and we would have happily full tummies... instead of smelling the deliciousness that we can't taste yet for fear of illness and or death!!! :S Ok... I feel better now.. thank you for letting me get that off my chest! :)
Thursday, November 5, 2009
A day of reflection...

Today has been quite a day of reflection for me. This day marks the end of my 14th year as a mom. I can't believe that it has been that long. So much has happened in that time!!!
I like to start the day teasing my kids with, at this time.. so and so years ago.. I was at this stage in labor... Of course, with Ethan that started EARLY Saturday morning the 4th of Nov. and didn't end until a c-sec at about 11:30 Sunday Nov. 5. So I REALLY give him a hard time. haha of course, I tell him the hardest to deliver has been the easiest to raise, so at some point I have to give him a break on the birth thing.. hahah
I went from being a *semi* carefree teenager, to being a single mom. Not as bad as it is for some single moms cause of course my son's dad was super involved and paid for everything so I didn't have to work... We have gotten married, had 2 more kids... I have homeschooled... which I never pictured doing, and anyone who knows me knows it is a miracle that I have made it this long!! I can look back and say.. I taught him to talk, to walk.. I potty trained him.. taught him to read, to write.. to do addition and subtraction. God is so good to give me the time and the ability and giving me His patience to get through and teach him all of this!!!
We have gone through loosing my mom. That was hard on everyone. In some ways, hardest on Ethan. I wish she could have been around to see the man he is growing into. God has blessed me with such a sweet, kind, funny, handsome, playful, cute, helpful, affectionate, all over great young man. I know she would be more proud of my boy today than she was the day he was born.. .and she was REALLY proud that day! hahah 2 rolls of film before he was 24 hours old.. :) Oh if there had been digital pictures then... I think everyone in the US and overseas that my mom had ever met would have had pictures of him!!!
I have grown so much as a mom, and a wife and a person in the last 14 years. I know I owe alot of it to Ethan. Things I see in myself through him that I realize I need to change. Things I want him to know and learn that he can't if I don't teach him. Learning that the best way to teach is through what they see in my life. I really have to be super careful about how I act, what I say, what I do.. and the older that I get.. and the older that he gets.. the more stuff comes up!!
I want to take this opportunity to thank God for my son. Thank God for the blessing that He gave to us 14 years ago in the form of this person that is so incredible that I couldn't be prouder of!!! Thank you to my mom and dad for my life.. and to Rick and LaRee for Jedidiah's life.. without them, I would have no life, no husband and no children to enrich my life every day.
Thank you to my friends that have been here for me for all these years. I would not have made it without them. This life that I have been molding and shaping and loving and nurturing for all these years, only has 4 more years of our guidance till he is an adult and is "on his own". I covet all the prayers and suggestions and help and love that I can get over these next 4 years of final preperation. Out of everything in my parenting life, I have prayed for God to guide me in raising 3 generous, prosperous, wonderful men of God. The closer 18 creaps to us, the more I am reminded of just how helpless and useless I really am in this process ultimately!
Thanks for "listening" to my little speach.
I love you my Ethan.. Happy birthday to my sweet son!!!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
New school year
Well, we finally got our new school books. So, we are back into our schedule of starting school at 9 am. That has been nice. And live every year the first week has gone pretty well! The kids really get excited about school at the beginning because it is all new.. I have been in a pretty bad flair, I just started steroids yesterday, so I am feeling a little less pain today, but the steroids make me feel blech too.. so, I am just resting... but hey, I did school with the boys on the couch today! Whatever works right?! And we got it all done. My hubby and the kids got the house spotless for me on monday.. hubby even shampooed the carpets.. and the boys have a new chore schedule. So it is nice to sit in a nice clean house, with the boys chores all done. Everyone can relax and have fun for the afternoon. I have to go to court tomorrow... I got a ticket that I am fighting. So, that is the excitement of the week!!! Pray for favor to come my way!!! Enjoy the snow in Abq!!! I will enjoy the warm weather here!!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Here in Texas
Here in Texas, there is not much going on. We aren't doing any real school yet.. the boys are just doing math still. Hubby is out of town for 2 weeks. This is the second Oct in a row that hubby has gone out of town for a couple weeks. I don't think this is something I want to continue. :)
I am taking some new meds for my fibro that I think are helping some.. I have been in pain this week, but the weather has been starting to change drastically, so that might be the reason. Other than this week, I seem to be doing much much better. Ethan is doing well in Algebra. He enjoys going to class. He has really been wanting more social time than he ever has before... thats been strange hahaha Ezekiel is growing up alot. I don't know that he has gotten physically bigger, but he looks older and is starting to act a little more mature.. Asher is getting older too. He is still the baby and as such, he still has some attitude issues that we need to deal with. I am getting ready to start babysitting for a new baby. He will be born the end of this month. That is going to be fun! So when we get back from Abq. from the wedding, I will have a new little baby in the house again. :) At least it is a boy.. we know how to do boy. hahaha Hope all is well with everyone!! Sorry for the delay, i just don't feel like I have alot to tell... :)
I am taking some new meds for my fibro that I think are helping some.. I have been in pain this week, but the weather has been starting to change drastically, so that might be the reason. Other than this week, I seem to be doing much much better. Ethan is doing well in Algebra. He enjoys going to class. He has really been wanting more social time than he ever has before... thats been strange hahaha Ezekiel is growing up alot. I don't know that he has gotten physically bigger, but he looks older and is starting to act a little more mature.. Asher is getting older too. He is still the baby and as such, he still has some attitude issues that we need to deal with. I am getting ready to start babysitting for a new baby. He will be born the end of this month. That is going to be fun! So when we get back from Abq. from the wedding, I will have a new little baby in the house again. :) At least it is a boy.. we know how to do boy. hahaha Hope all is well with everyone!! Sorry for the delay, i just don't feel like I have alot to tell... :)
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
6 AM
Here I sit.. 6 AM.. After another night that I was up.. all night long. Every attempt to sleep failed... These nights are happening more and more often. I think I am going to have to ask my Dr for something. I hate the thought that I have to take something just to get the sleep that I need. I am having a feeling sorry for myself moment. I try not to... but it is hard. I don't want to take drugs to sleep. I don't want to take drugs to get through the day without pain.. I want to be able to do all the things that other young moms like me can do. I want to walk my kids to the park.. I want to have the energy to go grocery shopping and then still be able to do something fun with my kids. I am tired of being bored out of my mind.. and SO LONELY and not be able to do anything with anyone. I am frustrated with myself for being unhappy about being where God wants me. I love my family. I love my hubby I love my wonderful, beautiful boys. I love my house. I don't want to complain about the one hard thing that God has asked me to endure. I keep hoping with each new thing we try, that I might get a little better.. and each time I am disappointed. I am to where I don't even want to hope. I just want to get by. I just want to go through a whole week that I don't feel like a failure as a mom and a wife. Where I can feel like I did for my family what I should be doing. I want my boys to know that I do all that I can with them, and that I wish I could do more. Ok.. I will stop complaining now. Thanks for listening..and thanks for praying.
Friday, August 28, 2009
our Friday

Thought a new picture of the boys was in order! This was taken this afternoon. We went back to the house of our friends that have the horses! Today though.. the kids got to RIDE THEM! Well, one of them.. and the two little boys... she had a small saddle on Mocha and Ethan needs the big one.. they were going to put the other saddle on and let Ethan ride... but that never happened. He was ok though.. He was too busy texting his friends about how I killed him and asking what they wanted from his "estate" hahahaha He was in a silly mood. :)
When we left Staci's house, we took her and Jed.. Her son.... not my hubby.. hehe.... out for ice cream. That was fun! Thanks Staci!! That is about it for now!!
Monday, August 24, 2009
New year
As everyone I know is gearing up to start a new year of school, we are still at the tail END of our year.. you know.. the time where you are going, should I make them finish all of every book.. what did I do wrong this year that I want to change for next... when do I order the new books to be ready to start up.. am I going to give them any time off? All that. This year we are going to have some differences than we have had in the past. Ethan is signed up to be in what is called one day academy. He will go from 10-1 every Wednesday. He is going to be taking guitar for 30 minutes and then math for an hour and a half. He is taking Algebra 1. He is excited because it is a chance for some social time with his friends during the week. He will get to stay through lunch so they can eat together. Don't think anyone is in his class.. but, he will get to eat with them. Ezekiel and Asher are going to be in pre algebra this year. Thats kind of scary!! They are just 1 level behind Ethan in math because I held Ethan back and Ez is right on track, and Asher is ahead! Ezekiel is going to start 7th grade and Asher will be in 6th and Ethan will be 10th... They are getting big so fast. It is wonderful1 :) I love how big they are getting and how smart and handsome and amazing!! They are such a blessing! I will put up current pictures in a couple days *after I take some.. hehehe*
Happy monday!
Happy monday!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Ezekiel turned 11!!!!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Goings on
Sorry I haven't posted in a while.. I haven't done much of anything. Healthwise, I think I am on the uphill swing. I hope... Today, hubby and the kids are in Dallas seeing his family. I am hanging out at home, hoping to get up enough energy to do something today. Thursday is Ezekiels birthday so we are getting all ready for that! He is so excited! Turning 11 is a big deal I guess.. hahaha
The kids are happy cause they get the week off school for his birthday. So, they had off while they were in Abq. now off again! We will never be done at this rate!! sheesh! Anyway, that is about the gist of it all.. nothing is going on here.. nothing new anyway. Have a great day!
The kids are happy cause they get the week off school for his birthday. So, they had off while they were in Abq. now off again! We will never be done at this rate!! sheesh! Anyway, that is about the gist of it all.. nothing is going on here.. nothing new anyway. Have a great day!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
home update
Well, I did take pictures the other day... but on my phone... and I don't have the piece I need to download them to the PC.. Ethan has it.... Anyway.. I posted them on FB and I will get them on here soon.. So, besides the cooking... this week has held lots of information. First and biggest.. Erin is engaged! Josh is a great guy! He spent the day here at my house with all of us and his kids. They are really well behaved, sweet kids! A good day was had by all, with the exception, at times of Erin because Gavin was deciding to be a snot.. :)
The rest of what is going on with me is, trying to learn to deal with my house being in not as great shape as I would like it. I am still dealing daily with pain and exhaustion in ammounts that I am not used to. I have very little in reserve and what I do have... I don't have to give to cleaning most days. Makes me insane.. and makes me feel lazy... but it is what it is. I am trying to turn it over to God and to learn to deal. I guess the old addage love me for me.. not my house.. is going to have to come into play! Anyway, that is about it! Happy Sunday!
The rest of what is going on with me is, trying to learn to deal with my house being in not as great shape as I would like it. I am still dealing daily with pain and exhaustion in ammounts that I am not used to. I have very little in reserve and what I do have... I don't have to give to cleaning most days. Makes me insane.. and makes me feel lazy... but it is what it is. I am trying to turn it over to God and to learn to deal. I guess the old addage love me for me.. not my house.. is going to have to come into play! Anyway, that is about it! Happy Sunday!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Girl day!
I am really excited today because I get to trade my boys.. for a girl! My friend is going to trade me my boys... to help her clean the garage... for her daughter... who is going to bake with me!!! YAY!! I am super excited!!! The boys love to cook and I love to cook with them. But it will be fun to have a girl to play with!! hahaha Pictures coming soon! :)
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
3 AM
Did you know there was such a thing!?!?!? I surely wish I didn't.. I have these days.. where I wake up SUPER EARLY... because of different reasons.. and sleep... just won't come back to me. This was one of those days. I have now been awake for 3 hours.. and it is only 6 AM... I am getting ready to go get in the shower.. and get dressed and start my day for real.. sigh. Should find out within the next 2 hours the results of my bloodwork. I hope everything is ok.. but I also hope.. He finds SOMETHING to give me some sort of answer. I am so in need of feeling somewhat better. I know God has a plan.. and a purpose.. and it is for my good.. and His glory.. I know that.. I just need.. a little boost.. Something.. that is feeling better!!! Have a great Wed!!!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Another quiet monday! Just got my house cleaned yesterday, got weeds pulled this I have to finish folding laundry.. Other than that just sitting around! Pretty exciting huh?! It is kinda nice to have the peace and quiet! :) Happy monday!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Ok, so on hubby's birthday, we didn't get to go to melting pot *they raised their prices... RUDE* and we didn't get to go to a movie.. *nothing that we could take Ethan to.* But it was still a great day! At least, i think he had a great day! Today I took Gavin and Amberly to some friends house to swim. They had a great, great time!!! I took some pics. Ethan was there too.. but... he wasn't officially with me. :) He is helping a friend at her house for the next couple days. So, here are the pictures! Enjoy!

Amberly and Gavin when we first got there.

Ethan and Gavin and Amberly playing.

Ethan needs a floatie.. ;)

Amberly enjoyed the slide! :)
Amberly and Gavin when we first got there.
Ethan and Gavin and Amberly playing.
Ethan needs a floatie.. ;)
Amberly enjoyed the slide! :)
Monday, June 22, 2009
Lunch time!!
Honey's birthday: Breakfast
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Fathers day/birthday
So today, is fathers day.. we didn't do much because tomorrow is my honey's birthday! I am going to make him lots of cool stuff! I am going to make him special breakfast... and lunch.. and dessert! And we might go to melting pot for dinner.. Anyway, I will take pics and keep you posted! Wish me luck!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Boys gone visiting
Well, today is day 3 without my little boys. They left here on Tuesday with our friends to go to Abq to spend time with their grandparents. It is pretty strange... I don't remember the last time our house was this quiet! I have to have the tv on so it doesn't get too weird! I know they are having a great time! It was a pretty last minute decision. In the end, we put them in the truck with money.. and the clothes on their backs! So, granny gets to get them a few new outfits.. hehe Of course, this has also accomplished something else. Now my hubby has decided he is going to try to get 2 more days off work so we can go out there 5 days earlier than planed because he misses the boys too much. Guess thats a good thing! hahaha So, that is what is up with us!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Friends in town
So, we have had some friends in town!! YAY!!! Jennifer and Lester got here on Saturday, a little weary from their day... That is their long story to tell... but, they got here! And we have had a fabulous time!! Unfortunately, they kids didn't get to come along *back to their long story....* but that has been ok too... We got rid of our kids yesterday too and the 4 of us had a terrific day downtown Austin! We went to lunch and to the capitol, which is beautiful!!
Today, is a little more normal day for us... they had an appointment in a town close to us, so they are gone till lunchtime prolly... and we are just doing school and those normal kinds of things. Then.. Jenn and I will go pick up their new truck.. and then tomorrow.. they have to go home.. :( butI am super happy for the time we have gotten!!! It has been a great time!! Have a good monday!!!
Today, is a little more normal day for us... they had an appointment in a town close to us, so they are gone till lunchtime prolly... and we are just doing school and those normal kinds of things. Then.. Jenn and I will go pick up their new truck.. and then tomorrow.. they have to go home.. :( butI am super happy for the time we have gotten!!! It has been a great time!! Have a good monday!!!
Friday, June 5, 2009
End of the week
Well, we made it to the end of another week. Feel like I am playing catch up.. and am still WAY BEHIND!! It is hard when you are down for so long.. catching up feels impossible!! Any volunteers?! hahaha Ah well, 2 days of no school.. I can just catch up on grading and maybe I can get my kids out of the house and catch up some on cleaning!!! woo hoo! haha Have a good weekend!!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
So. I decided today is a day that I just need to whine. I am tired... and in pain.. and tired of being tired and in pain. I have had a really rough week + health wise.. Anyone that doesn't know.. *maybe someone I haven't met yet...* I have fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue syndrome. The best way I know to describe what that is, is that it is arthritis in the muscles. It is basically, pain, all the time all over my body.. some places worse than others, some days worse than others... and exhaustion. So tired.. to the point that my eyes hurt.. and my head hurts and my arms feel heavy. Sometimes, there is no staying awake. Doesn't matter how much I want to.. I can't. The flip side of that is, I also have insomnia. So, I will have a day that I can't stay awake.. and then that night, i will be awake all night.. and maybe for a couple nights after. Then, the less sleep I get, the more pain I am in. Right now, today, the last couple days actually... I have been having lots of bad pain. It is mainly in my arms and hands.. .and then hips.. so, moving, doing anythinig is not ok. So.. that means that my house is wreck. Which makes me a mental wreck.
So, this is my gripe today. I am now, behind on housework.. In pain.. and feeling lazy and I am at a total loss to do anything about it. I am trying to seek God through all of this. It is difficult this week.
I am all done griping now. Thanks for listening!!
So, this is my gripe today. I am now, behind on housework.. In pain.. and feeling lazy and I am at a total loss to do anything about it. I am trying to seek God through all of this. It is difficult this week.
I am all done griping now. Thanks for listening!!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
So, I finally went ahead and signed in to facebook. I knew I would love it.. and I do.. :) Hubby had told me I could, I was just fighting it because I knew he wasn't really comfortable with me doing it.. He had said I could.. but.. anyway, I finally did! It is so great to connect with people I haven't talked to in such a long time!! I miss all my peeps so much!! I am super happy to be able to connect so much easier!! And, I love to show off pics of my babies.. and all that!! I will still be on here though! More later!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
So, I decided I should put a new post up... since it has been a couple weeks. Lets see, Jamie came out to get Kaylee. She left last Wed. Then on Saturday, Rick and LaRee and the kids came out. That was fun. Thats about it. We just don't have alot going on. Ethan is going on a canuing trip on Friday with our home school group. Hubby is going to go with him. That should be fun! The little boys and I are going to go to their last kickball day, and then we get to have an end of the year pizza party. The kids are looking forward to that. Anyway, that is all the news going on here. Hope all is well with everyone!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Trip to the beach
For mothers day, we went to the BEACH!! YAY We left first thing Sunday morning for Port Aransas.. that is near corpus christy... It took about 4ish hours... We had a great time!! First of all... my family gave me a NEW CELL PHONE!!!!!!!!! wooo woooo!! It was the one I wanted and everything! The dare... it is coolness! It is Verizons version of an iphone! SWEET!!
Anyway, the beach... It was a BEAUTIFUL 2 days... Sunday, there were lots of people there.. but we stayed kinda late, so we got some time to ourselves. Then Monday, we had the place all to ourselves!! It was FANTASTIC!! Our friend Kelly took us.. it is her favorite place so that was great! We had an "in"! hehe We got to go on a farey... that was FUN. Anyway, I will put a couple pics on here, and then the rest are going to be on the feed on the side bar from picasa! Enjoy!!

One last pic... to feel sorry for my boy... This is Ez when we woke up this morning.. face so burned, it is swolen!! :S
Anyway, the beach... It was a BEAUTIFUL 2 days... Sunday, there were lots of people there.. but we stayed kinda late, so we got some time to ourselves. Then Monday, we had the place all to ourselves!! It was FANTASTIC!! Our friend Kelly took us.. it is her favorite place so that was great! We had an "in"! hehe We got to go on a farey... that was FUN. Anyway, I will put a couple pics on here, and then the rest are going to be on the feed on the side bar from picasa! Enjoy!!

One last pic... to feel sorry for my boy... This is Ez when we woke up this morning.. face so burned, it is swolen!! :S

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